Chrysanthemums and Pink Bush Roses in a Tube
White Chrysanthemums and Pink Bush Roses in a TUBE=)
- 9999999
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Flower Shop LuxBuket Offers you always fresh and luxurious compositions at the most favorable prices!!!
Namely: White Chrysanthemums and bush roses in a tube.
Composition in a tube “Chrysanthemums and bush trojans” is a stylish and gentle combination of bright and rich chrysanthemums from the charming bush trojans. Chrysanthemums symbolize longevity and joy, and the Eternal Trojans symbolize fantasy and romance. The tube demonstrates the originality of the composition, so it can be a gift for some kind of purity. Ideal for both a romantic gesture and holiday greetings. The composition retains its freshness for an hour and remains harmonious.
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