BOUQUET of ROSES Jumilia 60-100cm.

BOUQUET of ROSES Jumilia. From 19 pcs.
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Flower Shop LuxBuket We offer you always fresh and luxurious bouquets at the most favorable prices!!! 

Namely: Bouquet of Roses: Jumilia

Jumilia - refers to a young hybrid tea rose bred in 2006. It is famous for its lush bud, also has an unusual two-tone color. Perfect for a first date or a romantic dinner. 

Rose Jumilia (Jumilia) is an exquisite variety of two-color roses, which is distinguished by its delicate and sunny appearance. The main characteristics of this rose:

Color: Jumilia petals have a light cream or white base, with an elegant pink border along the edges. The appearance of the pink color can become more saturated at the top of the petals.

Bud shape: Classic goblet-shaped, dense, with a large number of petals. When fully blooming, the bud opens to a medium-small flower.

Size: The diameter of the flower is about 8-10 cm.

Stem height: In the average rose, Jumilia has a long, strong stem from 50 to 70 cm long, which makes it an alternative choice for bouquets and arrangements.

Aroma: Light and non-viscous aroma, making it ideal for people who prefer a weak scent of flowers.

Features: Jumilia is resistant to conditions, retains its open appearance for a long time after cutting, which provides assistance to florists and wedding arrangements. The Jumilia rose is a symbol of tenderness and sophistication, which makes it a choice for gifts for casual events such as weddings, birthdays and romantic encounters.

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