BOUQUET of Yellow-White CHRYSANTHEMUMS of 15 pcs.

Bouquet of Chrysanthemums. Yellow and White. From 15 pcs.
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37.5 $
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LuxBuket flower shop offers you beautiful and lush bouquets from qualified florists.

And this is no exception, of course! Chrysanthemums are beautiful flowers with a variety of shapes, sizes and colors in their natural environment. When you provide a chrysanthemum bouquet, you have many options to choose from to find the perfect arrangement.

When ordering a chrysanthemum bouquet from a florist, specify your preferences for the color, shape and size of flowers, and also add wishes for decorative elements or add other colors. This will help create a floristic bouquet of chrysanthemum that is right for you or for those to whom you propose to give it.

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